Case-Studies have become very popular over the last few decades amongst companies, schools, colleges and communities. Many authors and intellectuals have suggested different ways of writing a case study over the years. A Case-Study and a caselet in an academic or corporate context are two different forms of a short and specific study. A caselet is a mini case-study which does not go beyond 500 words and poses a quick dilemma, learning or problem to its reader – which has become very popular in interviews, tests and even exams. A case-Study on the other hand is a detailed academic study on a phenomena, success or failure in the corporate context where a case can sometimes stretch up to 3500 or 4000 words. It must be remembered that a case study is NOT a story of a corporate or an individual’s journey but rather it should narrow down to an aspect of that journey. Adding images is optional and whilst it adds visual ease it can also be distracting and increase the overall length of the case. Data especially numeric based on fact must be backed up with sources via footnotes or references as a failure to do so would question the reliability of the case-study itself.